
Over the last few years, most of my time has been spent on classical playing, since my degree programs have been focused in that area. I've tried to keep my jazz playing going, though I don't have as many recordings. I hope to have more to share here in the future.

I listen to and have been influenced by a broad range of jazz pianists from Fats Waller and Art Tatum to Chick Corea and beyond. I'm blown away by Gonzolo Rubalcaba too and saw his group in SF last winter. In fact, there's so much great Latin oriented jazz now it's amazing.

These recordings were made over the last few years. I Thought About You features bassist Gerald Massoud and is from one of my Doctoral recitals. Deep Minor Blue, The Man I Love, and Apparition Opposition are all virtual group recordings done with Logic Pro. The Man I Love of course is a well-known Gershwin song; the other two are originals. The instrument sounds in Deep Minor Blue are not great--I have yet to invest in a really good virtual instrument library. The last two are solo piano. Don't Blame Me is an improvised arrangement, while There's a Small Hotel was arranged and written out.

I hope you enjoy!